Our Alkaline Water

If your priority is health and wellness, your best drinking water will have at least the first three of the following qualities—and optimally, all:
Contaminant free
Our water is filtered of unhealthy toxins, including synthetic chemicals, toxic metals, bacteria and viruses, radioactive substances, and other treatment additives such as chlorine and fluoride.
Mineral rich
The natural occurring minerals in our source water are not removed through purification processes, such as reverse osmosis and distillation.
Our Water is electrolyzed or "reduced" will have smaller groupings of water molecules.
Good taste
Our Alkaline Water also has improved taste! It is far superior to the water that comes out of your tap and certainly better than bottled water.
Alkaline pH
Our Alkaline drinking water has an alkaline pH of 9.0 upon filling but it can range from 7.0-9.0 onced delivered or opened to use as the PH level can fluctuate, which means that the water contains a healthy level of alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Our bodies need pH-balance, yet our diets are all too often overly acidic. Alkaline water drinking does wonders for providing us with the buffers we need. One of the health benefits of alkaline antioxidant water, ionized water, are the alkaline water pH-balancing benefits.
Best Water Filtration
Among the benefits of our Alkaline water is the filtering of chlorine and other toxins. By splitting the water into two streams [alkaline water and acidic water] the more toxic acidic minerals, such as Fluoride and Chlorine, will naturally be diverted to the acidic line. In addition, our water filters have been known to remove fluoride, chloramine, heavy metals, toxins and even pharmaceuticals, but allows the good minerals (such as calcium) through. Not all water companies offer the same quality of filtration.